Be FRIENDS OF NOREE and make individual contributions. Make your contribution ONLINE or by checks payable to NOREE PERFORMING ARTS, INC, 215 W 101st Street #4F, New York, NY 10025. Your contribution is supporting Noree Chamber Soloists missions.
Be STUDENTS OF NOREE and take private lessons with NCS’s artistic directors in exchange for your 100% tax-deductible donation to support our mission of cultivating innovative ways to connect with audiences and to help us produce more exciting concerts.
You can now be a sole sponsor for one or many of our exciting projects. To learn about our projects, please contact artist directors at artisticdirectors@noree.org
Composer-in-Residence program
Students of Noree program (providing free education for underprivileged students)
Underwrite NCS concerts and summer festival concerts
Bring NCS to your work space for corporate events
Bring NCS to your home and communities
Thank you for considering a gift to the Noree Chamber Soloists.
NCS is a New York based nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.
Our Mission
1. To connect with audiences around the United States and enrich their lives through chamber music performances of the highest caliber.
2. To support classical musicians by creating new performance opportunities and commissioning new chamber music works.
3.To nurture and educate the next generation of musicians and audiences to continue the rich tradition of chamber music.
4. To cultivate new ways to connect with audiences by presenting dynamic, experimental, and innovative concert productions through multidisciplinary collaborations.
Please make checks payable to NOREE PERFORMING ARTS, INC, 215 West 101 Street, #4F, New York, NY 10025 or make your contribution online. All contributions are tax-deductible. Your contribution will enable Noree Chamber Soloists to continue to create live events that promote truly unique experiences for our modern audience.
Thank you!
Yoon Lee & Yi Qun Xu,
Artistic Directors